My name is Brad Kane

I have been Practicing Law for 29 years.

Kane Law Firm helps people just like you.

I created a series videos I designed to be informative,

educational, and specifically for Nannies Employment Law

I help Nannies Break The Silence And Demand Their Pay.

Got Questions? I have answers!

This website and its content is an attorney advertisement owned by the Kane Law Firm (KLF). KLF helps nannies and influencers get paid what they are owed. Any nanny(ies) depicted are paid actors and not a member of KLF. Videos are a dramatization of fictitious events. Any mention of past results does not guarantee that similar results can be obtained for others. This site does not constitute legal advice and it does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and KLF.


The state of California has determined that employers must pay all compensation due within 24 hours of of your termination or if you quit within 72 hours after that. Each day late, up to a maximum of 30 days, your employer owes you one day's pay in terms of waiting time penalties. So up to a maximum of 30. So let's say you're paid or you're supposed to be paid $200 a day and they're 10 days late in paying you that means you're entitled to an extra $2,000..


If you are working in someone else's home, they are paying you and you're under their direction and control you are an employee in the state of California mandates that they keep records of your employment and the documents.


If your employer fires you for asking about your pay or asking about whether you're being paid correctly or things are entitled to or saying they shouldn't do something illegal. Well, that means you are protected under the law and if the employer fires you, you could recover lost wages, emotional distress and other things.


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